Plasma assisted combustion
Ignition by plasma discharges
Turbulent flows
Ignition systems for engines
D.Sc., Mechanics of liquid, gas and plasma, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Ph.D., Mechanics of liquid, gas and plasma, V.N. Karazin National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
M.S., School of mechanics and mathematicsV.N. Karazin National University,Kharkiv, Ukraine
Distinguishing badge “Honorary Professor of Science”, Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science, 2016
Visiting Scientist, Applied Physics Lab of Princeton University, Aug.- Dec. 2015 , July- Aug. 2014
A Badge of honor of the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science, 2013
Window on Science Program of AFOSR, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
Fulbright Grant US Department of State, Princeton University, 2009-2010
Tropina A.A., Shneider M.N., Miles R.B. Dual-laser pulse ignition. AIAA Paper 2017- 1972, 55th AIAA SciTech Conference , 9 – 13 January 2017, Grapevine, Texas, USA
Tropina A.A., Shneider M.N., Miles R.B. Ignition by Short Duration, Nonequilibrium Plasma: Basic Concepts and Applications in Internal Combustion Engines, Combustion Science and technology, vol.188, p.831-852.
Tropina A.A., Shneider M.N., Miles R.B. Femtosecond laser discharge and small scale turbulence. AIAA Paper 2016- 0461, 54th AIAA SciTech Conference , 4 -8 January 2016, San-Diego, CA, USA.
Plasma assisted combustion, gasification, and pollution control: volume 2. combustion and gasification, Outskirts Press, 2015, ISBN-10: 1478769203, P. 166-202.
M.R. Edwards, C. Limbach, R. B. Miles, A. Tropina. Limitations on High-Spatial Resolution Measurements of Turbulence Using Femtosecond Laser Tagging. AIAA Paper 2015- 1219, 53th AIAA SciTech Conference , 5 – 9 January 2015, Kissimmee, FL.
A.A. Tropina, A.P. Kuzmenko, S.V. Marasov, D.V. Vilchinsky . Ignition system based on the nanosecond pulsed discharge // IEEE Trans. on Plasma Sci. – 2014. – Vol.42.- Issue 12 – P.3881-3885.
A.A. Tropina, M. Shneider, R. Miles. Turbulent Cascade Process in Arc Driven Plasma Channels//AIAA Paper 2014- 0668, 52th AIAA SciTech Conference , 13-17 January 2014, National Harbor, Maryland.
A.A. Tropina, M. Shneider, R. Miles. Dynamics of a Laser-Induced Filament Supported and Controlled by a Direct Current Discharge // AIAA paper-2013-0921, 51th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 7-10 January 2013, Grapevine, Texas.
A.A. Tropina, M.N. Shneider, R.B. Miles. Ignition delay time and laminar flame velocity for a combined laser-microwave ignition// IEEE Trans. on Plasma Sci. – 2011. – V.39. – P.3263-3268.
A.A. Tropina, M. Uddi, Y. Ju. Non-equilibrium plasma influence on the minimum ignition energy. Part 1: Discharge model.// IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, 2011, Vol. 39, P.615-633.